Aug 7, 2019
Ever wonder why students don't match into Residency?
Why medical students don't match into residency program? learn more about mistakes in personal statements that would ruin your applicati

Mar 3, 2019
Vacation Dyspnea
After a long flight, what happens? Watch more of those videos on our YouTube channel

Mar 2, 2019
"I will just stay home for today"
I am chest discomfort but will stay home for today. Let's see what this patient has?!? Watch more of those videos on our YouTube channel...

Mar 1, 2019
I can't breath or sleep doc.
Can't breath or sleep doc. Help me please! Let's see if you can figure out the diagnosis Watch more of those videos on our YouTube...

Feb 28, 2019
Free! Cardiology Quiz
Do you want to test your knowledge in Cardiology? Check out this cardioogy quiz created by Dr Jamal on

Feb 28, 2019
Worsening dyspnea, what can you do?
Can't breath or sleep doc. Help me please! Let's see if you can figure out the diagnosis Watch more of those videos on our YouTube...

Feb 27, 2019
"Elephant on my Chest"
Patient comes in to the ED and tells you "I have an elephant on my chest". Don't call psych for an urgent consult for psychosis, indeed...

Aug 30, 2018
All you need to know about BiPAP
Watch this video to learn about BiPAP. Share it with your friends who are in residency or medical school. It is helpful as those things...