Apr 13, 2018
Why do Students fail in USMLE step 2CS?
USMLE clinical skills exam is one of the crucial exams to get into the match. Many students go well prepared but are surprised by a fail...

Apr 11, 2018
IMGs Participating in 2019 Match Should Apply for Step 2 CS Now
If you are participating in the 2019 match, you should apply for your CS exam now! According to ECFMG, if you register now, the earliest...

Apr 10, 2018
Things that Doctors do that gets patients Frustrated
Things that Doctors Do that gets patients Frustrated

Apr 2, 2018
Five things that you shall never say to your attending physician!
Everyone occasionally says the wrong thing to the wrong person. Even if you backpedal and apologize, things can be put to rest and life...

Mar 27, 2018
Panic Attack One Week Before the Exam
Feel that the time is melting away and you are running out of time. You are not alone! Almost all students applying for a big exam like...

Mar 24, 2018
Mistakes that medical students should stop doing! 5 Things!
Every and each one of us think they are doing the best, study with the best methods and reading the best textbooks. Nevertheless, this is...

Mar 21, 2018
Things that should never show up on your CV!
Major part of getting a residency position involves a good CV. The match process has a well set and standardized CV form which makes...

Mar 20, 2018
What should I do in my summer break?
You can go on vacation, to the beach, travel the world, you can actually do whatever you want. But is that going to help you in your...

Mar 20, 2018
Strongest Words to be Used in Letters of Recommendation
You definitely do not want to have a letter of recommendation that was copy-pasted for 100 other students. Some program directors don't...

Mar 20, 2018
How can I compensate for my low scores and get the chance to get interviews?
I have low scores comparable to the scores of people who would match, how can I compensate for my low scores and get the chance to get...