Jun 5, 2018
Why does a chest x-ray have to be PA and lateral?
Meet our chest X-ray, one of the simplest tests to be ordered in medicine. Attending physicians love to ask you about it because that's...

May 22, 2018
USMLE Step 2CK experience from Zahoor Ur Rehman
I started with Kaplan lecture notes and videos and it took me 45 days to complete all the subjects. It’s very helpful to make a strong...

May 9, 2018
The Epidemic of Senioritis
Signs and symptoms of senioritis can be temporarily managed by getting called to your chief's office or supervisor for a small chat, but

May 4, 2018
Meet your first friend in residency: The Pager
Do you remember that device that was famous just before the release of the first cellphone in the 90s? Yes, That is the pager and it has com

Apr 28, 2018
USMLE and Match experience from Arwa Albashaireh
My USMLE experience was a little bit different from most USMLE takers. A lot was going on in my life and I didn’t want to waste time before

Apr 28, 2018
How can I get 4 Letters of Recommendation for my Residency Application?
One very common question from foreign medical graduates: "I have only done one month of internship in a hospital in the US, how would I

Apr 23, 2018
What happened to the SOAP note?
We all know what SOAP notes are and how they are formulated. SOAPs are “supposed to be” concise and straight forward but very...

Apr 18, 2018
6 Things that you Should NOT do before the Exam Day!
Going for an exam is quite hectic and stressful. As medical professionals we should get used to this by time but still we have to...

Apr 16, 2018
Avoiding Resource Doubt: Tips for USMLE success
One of the most important lessons for studying for the USMLE: To get a great score, you must commit to a few resources and never look...