Things that Doctors do that gets patients Frustrated

Everyone does mistakes, even doctors. We try hard to make sure our patients are happy but sometimes we fail. Due to the change in how we do medicine nowadays and the amount of time we spend in documentation, patients are getting less of our attention. We try our best to give our patients the best "Patient-Centered" care but are we really doing so?
Whenever you ask a patient honestly to tell you what bothers them about their doctor, you may hear the following:
1) Doctors who think their time is valuable, but not yours.
Patients present on time, yet it takes extra 20 minutes for vital signs and filling 10 pages and signing all the paperwork. Patients then are assigned to a room and think they will be seen soon. Yet, they have to wait for some more time. Once the doctor comes in, patients feel it when everything is happening in a rush. Doctors don't think much about what time means to patients, they might have tasks to do and keeping them waiting so that you would see them for 5 minute would definitely end up with frustration and a 1 star rating.
2) Doctors who do not listen to patients.
Very common! How many times do you hear a patient saying : "My doctor does not listen and spends all the time typing". Well, they came to your clinic so that you would listen to their concerns. Patients admit that doctors tend to cut the conversation once they have heard a bit of the information. Always remember, patient came to you so that they can share what they have and they expect that you listen back. Otherwise, you just gained another 1 star rating.
3) Doctors who think you are Crazy.
I cant see with my right eye, my tongue is numb and I lost control over my right arm! I shared this information with my doctor, and my doctor rolled his eyes and started stomping his feet. Patients feel it when you don't take their symptoms seriously. Don't rush into labeling those symptoms as psychiatric or mental as we always know that there is a chance it is not. Again, listen to your patient.
4) Doctors who fail to call with test results.
Doctors are well aware of this problem, some are negligent. Time is an important factor. Try your best in calling your patients as those lab results are important for them regardless of what your impression is before your ordered the test.
5) Doctors who mock non-traditional medicine.
Don't roll your eyes when patients tell you about the supplements that they bought over the counter. Don't underestimate the power of yoga and meditation in the management of pain disorders. Patients will stop being honest if they feel that their doctor doesn't care. You never know, one of your patients could be taking a horse pain medication (Horse NSAID - real story) that caused kidney failure. Doctors should acknowledge and advice according to what they know from scientific evidence.